Friday, August 9, 2013

Mi casa

For those of you wondering what my living situation looks like, below are some photos of the house I'm living in for the ten weeks of training. It's made out of cement blocks, so it's very sturdy, and has a tin roof that keeps the rain out (in general, there's at least one downpour a night during the rainy reason, which spans from May to November), three bedrooms (one for the parents, one shared by Josue and Gabi, and my room), a bathroom, a kitchen/dining room, a living/TV room, and a washroom that contains the pila. Another thing to mention is that we're located at an elevation of about 900 meters, which makes a huge difference in terms of sparing us the extreme heat common in low-lying areas of the country. It's toasty here during the day, but it cools off significantly in the evening, so sleeping comfortably is no problem.


Front (including Aslan's tail):
The pila (the blue area on the right is always full of water [not for drinking], and the area on the left is for washing dishes/hands, brushing teeth, etc.):

My bedroom:
Kitchen/dining room (the bathroom door is in the background, just below the bananas):

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