Monday, March 31, 2014

Late March updates

Hi everyone –

On Thursday I got back from my first trip to the U.S. since starting Peace Corps eight months ago. It was great to spend eleven days with people I care about and miss, and to enjoy amenities that I do without in El Salvador. A particular thanks to Hope for making my visit perfect.

I am convinced that when I finally return to the U.S. after Peace Corps, I am going to be profoundly grateful for all the wonderful conveniences and pleasures my life will offer: abundant connectivity, bountiful opportunity, diversity of all sorts, and brilliant, inspiring peers, to name a few. I still recognize that it is completely unfair that I was born into such favorable circumstances and have enjoyed such a privileged life, but Peace Corps is unexpectedly helping me come to peace (no pun intended) with my luck.

Now that I'm back in Toreras, I'm once again focused on helping the new women's group to find its footing and coalesce. So far the group has had two general meetings, learned how to make pineapple cake, and carried out a successful fundraiser selling pupusas. I'm still more in charge of the group than I should be, but I intend to begin gradually passing leadership responsibilities to the women over the next few months.

I am also going to begin teaming up with a community member to explore the possibility of starting an agriculture cooperative in Toreras. Agricultural cooperatives are groups of farmers who share a piece of land to grow crops for sale, dividing labor responsibilities and profits equitably. The community member I'll be working with has experience working in a cooperative in Honduras (he is Honduran, like many people in my site) and thinks that Toreras could sustain a successful operation. Soon we're going to visit houses to gauge the interest level of the community. If we encounter substantial enthusiasm, we will invite the Ministry of Agriculture (MAG) to come to Toreras to provide training and help legalize the cooperative, a service MAG provides free of charge.

I have some other small projects in the works, which I'll discuss in future posts when they've taken greater shape.

That's all for now. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.